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- Sterling + Teddy [Bunny/Bonded Pair/Adult]: ADOPTED
Sterling + Teddy [Bunny/Bonded Pair/Adult]: ADOPTED
Adoption Process
- Initial Health Assessment & High Priority Care: Completed
- Comprehensive Social/Emotional Assessments: Completed
- Comprehensive Health Assessments: Completed
- Adoption photos: Completed
- Available for adoption: Yes
- Ready to Go Home Date: Ready Now
Species: Rabbit
Name: Sterling
Breed: French Angora
Fur Type: Wooly
Fur length: Very Long
Color: Broken Black Tort
Gender: Male
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Age/DOB: 03/13/2017 (He is almost 8 years old)
Current Weight: 7lbs
Social/Emotional: Sterling is an incredibly gentle sweet little soul. He is a very relaxed boy and would sit on my lap all day if I let him. He loves being brushed and will flop out in my lap while I brush him out. He likes to give lick kisses to let you know he is comfy and happy. When I turn our fireplace on he will sit in front of it for hours and even scoot his booty closer. Extra toasty buns! Literally. He isn't bothered by our cats or our dog. He just marinates in his preferred spots. He will adventure a little but he doesn't get into anything really. He could easily freeroam with Teddy or live in a living space and do well. He is very bonded with Teddy and she gives Sterling lots of grooms and snuggles.
Does well with:
- Females or Neutered Male Rabbits: Bonded with Teddy
- Adults: Yes
- Young or Inexperienced Children: Yes with help
- Older or Experienced Children: Yes
- Dogs (all sizes): Yes
- Dogs that respect space/well behaved/no prey drive: Yes
- Dogs that are overly affectionate/hyper/behavior issues that are not easily modified: Not a fan.
- Dental: Healthy without issue.
- Face/Eyes/Ears: Healthy without issue.
- Feet/Nails: His nails were long and overgrown. We were able to trim them down to a healthy length. Sterling needs his nails trimmed every 2-3 weeks to keep him in tip top shape.
- Overall/Fur/Skin: Upon intake Sterling had significant matting down to the skin on most of his underside around his chin/neck/butt/legs. I was able to save a lot of his fur on the top and sides. Since it's winter and he's an old man, I wanted to avoid shaving as much as possible. He was double washed, conditioned and meticulously groomed over a few days. I spent around 12 hours doing his intake care and grooming. I did have to shave his densely matted areas. He does have fur loss/balding areas due to the matting and fleas but it will grow back. He does have long wooly fur everywhere. He actually has amazing quality fur. Since getting him back to a healthy coat and what is called "maintenance", he hasn't had any matting. I've been brushing him twice a week with a metal tooth comb. Now that he is back to a healthy baseline it will be easy to maintain. He had some dry skin, irritation and some redness which is now gone. We have addressed and treated all of these things. Sterling also had fleas which we have treated and removed every dead flea off him by hand. His flea load was pretty significant and he did have Flea induced anemia. Upon intake he was also slightly underweight/dehydrated and had small sticky poops. Which indicated an abnormal gut health balance. We've given him probiotics and a diet overhaul. He is feeling much better! His poops look good now and are large/dry and golden/brown. He has perked up also and is active and playful. So everything is indicating he's feeling like himself.
- Litter Box Behavior: He is a good litterbox boy and uses it nearly always. Only some stray poops but this is normal.
- Other: Sterling was slightly underweight at intake. Our goal is to get him well balanced, stable and at a healthy weight prior to adoption. It's standard for us to treat all our fosters for all parasites. So, even if they don't show signs we still treat them just to be on the safe side and so that everyone who leaves here is back to baseline health. So in addition to treating the obvious fleas, we also treated Sterling and Teddy for mites, worms, coccidia and a myriad of other illnesses. We also vaccinated them for Pasteurella. Which is a common bacterial infection that causes a lot of issues in rabbits, including Snuffles.
- Update: Sterling has gained about 2lbs and has filled out well. He's a healthy condition now and I'm very happy with his overall condition. For bunnies, "condition" includes: body type, fat and muscle mass, hydration, skin and fur health and these type of things that identify the overall health of a bunny. The only thing he is currently dealing with is fur regrowth. Which takes a bit of time. I'm already seeing regrowth in his balding areas which is a sign his body is doing well.
Species: Rabbit
Name: Teddy
Breed: Medium Mixed Breed. Previous family said she is Holland Lop mixed with something else and to me she looks to be mixed with Rex. My educated guess is Holland/Rex Mix
Fur Type: Rollback but has a curl pattern to it with some satin
Fur length: Short
Color: Harlequin
Gender: Female
Spayed/Neutered: No
Age/DOB: January 10, 2023
Current Weight: 4.5lbs
Social/Emotional: Teddy is such a silly, sweet, social lady. She is curious and loves to see what I'm doing. When I'm holding Sterling or grooming him she likes to sit behind me and give me head bumps to make sure I know she needs to be included. Once she gets in my lap with Sterling, she's happy! It's adorable. She likes to give lick kisses for more chin and neck pets. She does like to explore and look at things. She doesn't go far from Sterling. She adores him and they are very much in love.
Does well with:
- Females or Neutered Male Rabbits: Bonded with Sterling.
- Adults: Yes
- Young or Inexperienced Children: Yes.
- Older or Experienced Children: Yes
- Dogs (all sizes): Yes
- Dogs that respect space/well behaved/no prey drive: Yes
- Dogs that are overly affectionate/hyper/behavior issues that are not easily modified: Not a fan.
- Dental: Healthy without issue.
- Face/Eyes/Ears: Healthy without issue.
- Feet/Nails: Teddy's nails were overgrown at intake. We were able to trim her nails down to a healthy length. She needs her nails trimmed every 2-3 weeks to prevent her nails from growing into a curl pattern. She does have some fur loss on the back of her back feet. This is called Sore Hocks. This is due to her nails changing the pressure of how she uses her feet and creating rubbing on her pressure points. With healthy nails her fur will grow back and not do this.
- Overall/Fur/Skin: Upon intake Teddy had fleas. We treated her fleas. Her skin was a little dry and she had flea dander and poop through her skin. So she also got double washed and conditioned. This drastically improved her skin conditioning. Her coat also feels much better. She has a neat shine to her coat so it's possible that she has the satin fur gene. It's very pretty.
- Litter Box Behavior: She is a good litterbox user with only some random poops but this is normal.
- Other: Because of the intake health issues I did also give Teddy probiotics and a diet overhaul. I wanted to ensure they are both feeling good inside and out.
Known History: Sterling and Teddy are a bonded pair of senior bunnies that have been loved deeply by their previously family. Their previous family is struggling and surrendered to us is what was best for these sweet fluff beans to get the care they need. We fully support this family and the difficult decision they had to make.
Helpful information:
- Don't forget to check out the Rabbit Savvy Loaf Shop to shop our Organic Small Pet Products. We have a lot of items to get started or stock up!
- If you need personal delivery, shipping, or ground transport - please contact us prior to reserving/adopting to ensure we can accommodate your request.
- Reservations & Adoption are on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Please be prepared and informed prior to reserving one of our animals for adoption.
- Please read our sales policy and the information here on our website so you are informed and know what you are investing in.
- All adoption fees and sales for goods or services are non-refundable.
- It is the customer's responsibility to read our sales policy and the information provided on our website. If you ask for any kind of refund after a reservation or sale of goods or services is made, you will not be refunded. All 3rd Party Payment Processors, including Square and your Bank, will agree that our Sales Policies are clear and established. Please do your research and read our policies in depth before reserving to avoid any issues. Mutual respect with our families is a key component in our services and this includes customers respecting our policies.
- All Foster Fees goes back into our Foster Program to help more animals in need.